Home Terms and conditions

These Rules of E-Trade Shop (hereinafter – Rules) and Privacy policy are the binding and integral part of the Sale-Purchase Contract made between LTD “TOBIS” (hereinafter – TOBIS, our, us, we) and customer of LTD “TOBIS” (hereinafter – Customer, you, your, yours), that introduces to the sale-purchase conditions of the e-shop www.pitshop.lt (hereinafter – e-shop) and determines the rights and obligations of the Customer and TOBIS related to sale and purchase of goods in the e-shop.

I. General conditions

1. The following persons are entitled to use the services of e-shop:

        1.1. legally capable natural persons above 18 years old;

        1.2. minor persons from fifteen to eighteen years old, who have the consent of their parents, adoptive parents or guardians, unless they are free to use their wages or scholarship independently;

        1.3. legal persons;

        1.4. authorized representatives of all the aforementioned persons.

2. If you want to use the e-shop services, you have to register. The registration is considered done and valid when you provide personal information electronically and move to further actions.

3. The personal data provided by you (name, surname, address, e-mail, phone) during registration in e-sop shall be stored and managed in compliance with the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania No. IX–1296 and in compliance with the “Privacy policy”.

4. The prices of goods indicated in the e-shop’s catalogue shall be valid only when the goods are bought in the e-shop. The prices of goods indicated in the e-shop include VAT. The delivery fee is not included. The presented photos may differ from the real products.

5. The sale-purchase contract between you and TOBIS is considered made when you press the button “Confirm the order” upon having formed the shop basket in the e-shop, indicated the delivery address, selected the payment methods and having familiarized with the present Rules (you have to press the button “I have read and agree with the Purchase Rules” after having read them). The contract made between you and TOBIS shall be stored in the e-shop.

6. TOBIS shall inform you about the made sale-purchase contract by sending the message to the indicated e-mail address.

II. Your rights and duties

7. You may choose and order any item from the goods presented in the e-shop’s catalogue. Discounts and coupons are not summed up. Make another order to use another discount or coupon. Coupon discounts are applied from the price of the product without VAT.

8. By using the e-shop services you agree with the present sale-purchase rules and you are bound to follow them.

9. You have to submit comprehensive and correct data in the registration form. If your personal data change, you have to update them.

10. You shall be responsible for all the actions performed while using the e-shop.

11. It is prohibited for one person to register and use the e-shop services in several names.

12. You have to accept the ordered goods. If you refuse to accept the goods without reasonable cause, you have to cover delivery expenses.

13. You undertake not to transfer the registration and logging-in data to any third persons. If you lose the logging-in data, you have to notify UAB “TOBIS” hereof without delay. UAB “TOBIS” shall not be responsible for the actions of third persons performed before notification and opportunity granted to the administrator of e-shop to change your logging-in data. In such a case UAB “TOBIS” shall be entitled to think that you were the one to perform certain actions in the e-shop.

14. UAB “TOBIS” shall not be responsible for the actions of third persons performed using your banking system in order to conclude the sale-purchase contract after shopping in the e-shop.

III. Rights and duties of TOBIS

15. If the data provided at the time of registration or later are false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete, or if you do not follow other obligations specified herein, UAB “TOBIS” shall be entitled to annul the registration immediately, to delete your data or to restrict your right to use the e-shop services. You shall be the only one responsible for the consequences of incorrect data.

16. UAB “TOBIS” reserves the right to suspend or cancel your registration and usage of e-shop services without prior notice, if there is ground to believe that you are engaged in unlawful activities or that you attempt otherwise to cause damage to work of stable operation of the e-shop.

17. “TOBIS” reserves the right to suspend or cancel promotions in e-shop.

18. It undertakes to create all the conditions for you to use the e-shop services.

19. in case of unforeseen circumstances when the ordered item cannot be delivered to you, UAB “TOBIS” undertakes to offer you the analogous item. If you refuse to buy such an analogue, we will refund the paid money in 72 hours in case you have made the advance payment.

20. You may pay for the goods using the following:

      20.1 using electronic banking,

      20.2 by bank cards, Google Pay and Apple Pay,

      20.3 by bank transfer,

      20.4 in cash or by bank card at the time of delivery/collection of goods.

IV. Delivery of goods

20. TOBIS undertakes to deliver the goods you order in 1-2 work days after the payment to the address indicated by you only in Lithuania.

21. The goods shall be delivered by courier service. If the purchase amount exceeds €40, the goods shall be delivered free of charge; if the purchase amount is smaller, the delivery shall cost you extra €3 via parcel machine or €6 via courier. TOBIS is entitled to change the delivery conditions.

22. When you sign the consignment’s bill of lading, it is considered that it has been conveyed (delivered) properly.

23. At the time of delivery you have to check the condition of the consignment together with the courier. If the damage is noticed, you have to mark this on the bill of lading, to write the damage act in the free form and to send it to us. If you sign the bill of lading without making any comments, it is considered that the consignment has been delivered in compliance with requirements.

24. The price of the delivery of goods in the Republic of Lithuania is the same as indicated in the ordering system of e-shop at the time when the order is made.

25. TOBIS shall not be responsible for the loss or late delivery of the item ordered by the Customer if this was caused by the fault of the third persons or because of the circumstances beyond control of TOBIS, which it could not foresee at the time of the sale-purchase contract’s conclusion and which (including the consequences) could not be prevented.

V. Return of the goods

26. The order of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania of 15 March 2012 “Regarding Approval of the Rules of Return and Replacement of the Items” shall be applicable to the return of the goods.

27. When the item of poor quality is returned, TOBIS undertakes to accept and replace it by the analogous item. If TOBIS does not have an analogous item, the money you have paid for the item shall be refunded. The refund shall be made to the Customer in 10 work days at the most from the day when the goods returned by the Customer are delivered to TOBIS. The Customer is not entitled to return the goods, which cannot be returned according to the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. The Customer has to contact the Seller before returning the item.

28. The returned item must be in complete set. The clothes and shoes cannot be damaged or worn. You shall be responsible for complete set of the item. If the set is not complete, the returned item shall not be accepted.

29. TOBIS desires to have the goods returned in the same package as they were delivered. The package cannot be damaged. It has to be clean and properly prepared.

30. The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania provides that you are entitled to withdraw from the sale-purchase contract by the written notice to us (by e-mail: [email protected] or mail: M. K. Čiurlionio str. 111, 66161 Druskininkai) in 14 (fourteen) work days after the delivery day.

31. In order to withdraw from the sale-purchase contract, you have to notify us in written about such a withdrawal within the term set herein and using the contract addresses in the clause 30 hereof. You will receive conformation of withdrawal to your e-mail address. If you do not receive confirmation in 24 h, you have to call TOBIS by phone. You have to return the bought item in compliance with the requirements of the clause 29 hereof (if delivered) in 3 (three) work days after withdrawal. In such a case the money paid for the item shall be refunded in 5 (five) calendar days after the item’s return.

32. You cannot withdraw from the sale-purchase contract if:

      32.1. You have damaged the item or changed its appearance substantially; the changes of package’s appearance necessary to inspect the received item shall not be regarded as essential changes of the item’s appearance.

      32.2. You do not have the proof of the item’s purchase (purchase receipt or invoice delivered with the item).

VI. Final provisions

33. UAB “TOBIS” reserves the right to suspend, supplement and amend these Rules and related documents at its own discretion by posting the notice in the e-shop. The supplements or amendments of the Rules shall come into effect after their announcement, i.e. the day when they have been posted in the e-shop system.

34. If you do not agree with the new edition and amendments of the Rules, you have a right to refuse them, provided you lose the right to use the e-shop services.

35. If you continue using the e-shop services after the amendment of the Rules, it shall mean that you agree with the new edition or amendments of the Rules.

36. All the disputes related to implementation of the present Rules shall be settled by means of negotiations. If the agreement is not reached in 30 (thirty) days, the disagreements shall be solved in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

37. The law of the Republic of Lithuania shall be applied to the present Rules.

38. TOBIS shall not be responsible for information posted on the websites of other companies even if the Customer gets to these websites through the links in the e-shop of TOBIS.

39. TOBIS is entitled to restrict or suspend the Customer’s opportunity to use the services of the e-shop at any time without prior notice, as well as to cancel the shop’s activities.